296.90 DSM IV Criteria
The DSM-IV diagnostic code that refers to the category Mood Disorder NOS/Unspecified Affective Psychoses is 296.90. Disorders are included in this category when the primary symptom is a problem with mood. This includes extreme experiences of mood outside the realm of normal experience.
Mood Disorder NOS, or Not Otherwise Specified, refers to a problem with mood that does not fit into a regular diagnostic category. There are an array of mood disorders, including different categories of manic disorders, depressive disorders and bipolar disorders, which have features of both mania and depression.
The code 296.90 Mood Disorder NOS/Unspecified Affective Psychoses is more specifically used when a disorder cannot be put into the categories of Depressive Disorder NOS or Bipolar Disorder NOS. A clinician who is trying to decide between these two categories may find 296.90 Mood Disorder NOS more appropriate.