How to Apply Freud's Psychodynamic Theories of Personality
Recognize the stages of early development as identified by Freud. Observe how babies and children progress through the oral, anal, phallic and latent stages. Recognize that some people get "stuck" in a particular stage, and that this might later become apparent in adult behavior. Following Freud's theory, adults who were stuck at the anal stage may be repressed and uptight, while people stuck at the oral stage may develop habits like smoking.
Observe examples of Freud's theory of the id, the ego and the super ego. According to Freud, the personality is composed of the id, superego and the ego. The id is the reservoir of the instinctual and biological impulses and operates on the pleasure principle. The ego is the conscious part of the personality that tries to manage the id and responds to the reality principle. The superego is the part of the personality that has been shaped by learning about morals. Notice that when people's personalities are dominated by the id component, they are more prone to impulsive behavior.
Listen to the language that people use without thinking, and identify Freudian slips. A Freudian slip is when a person inadvertently says something she may be thinking at an unconscious level.
Research the effects of early experiences on adult behavior. According to Freud, behavior, difficulties and relationships in adulthood may be influenced by earlier experiences people may not even remember, and unresolved issues can cause difficulties throughout a person's life.