Detailed Description of How a Polygraph Test Would Be Conducted by an Expert
The examiner will explain the polygraph equipment to the test subject and discuss the issue that is being tested. The examiner will review the questions to be asked and answer any questions about the test.
During the Test
Three apparatuses will be connected to the person being tested. These are: a blood pressure monitor cuff on the upper arm; fingerplates to the thumb and ring finger; and a breathing gauge called a pneumograph, which goes around the chest and abdomen to record changes in respiration. The series of questions agreed upon previously are then asked, and the test subject's responses are recorded on the machine.
After the Test
The polygrams which were taken during the test will be analyzed. The examiner awards one of three scores: "no deception Indicated," "deception Indicated;" or "inconclusive." If the score is "deception indicated" on any question, the test subject will have the chance to explain the response. A final report will be completed and issued to the party who commissioned the polygraph test.