How to Boost Self-Concept
Think positively. Negative thoughts, such as thinking your are overweight, unattractive or unsuccessful, only bring down your self-concept. Constantly focusing on the positive aspects of your life will boost your self-concept and make you feel good about yourself. Focusing on what a good parent you are, how generous you are or what a good cook you are, for example, are all ways to think positively.
Start an exercise routine. Exercise helps boost self-esteem and can help you feel good about yourself. Join a gym, a yoga studio or just go for a long walk outside. Exercising two to three times a week can help get your body in shape and increase your energy level. Exercise is a healthy way to boost your self-concept.
Practice meditation. Meditation has been shown to reduce stress and increase happiness. Practice meditation by sitting or lying down in a comfortable position in a quiet place. Close your eyes, breathe deeply and calm your mind. Meditating three to four times a week will help to lower your stress levels and can make you feel better about yourself.
Get involved in a new activity. If you have been putting off learning a language, joining a book club or learning how to ski, for example, don´t put it off any longer. Trying something new or starting a new hobby can help you feel good about yourself and boost your self-concept.
Surround yourself with happy people. Happiness is contagious and constantly surrounding yourself with others who have high self-concepts will make you feel good about yourself as well. Look for happy people in your workplace or in your neighborhood and invite them out to lunch, for example. Meeting new people is a good way of boosting your own self-concept.