List of Bad Emotions
At some point in time, you may have been discouraged because you thought badly about someone or something. For instance, your best friend landed the perfect dream job and while you are happy for her to some extent, you may also be a little jealous because this was the position you wanted. Although jealousy is considered a bad emotion, it's natural and happens at times. Along with jealousy, other "bad" emotions include hate and greed.-
Jealousy is defined as very desirous of another's advantages. Most have experienced jealousy at some point in time. Whether it's jealousy of your friend's high-paying career or jealousy of your sister's new successful boyfriend, it's something people must deal with. Jealousy is an emotion that can manifest itself into other undesired emotions such as anger, contempt and rage.
The good news is that jealousy can be overcome by identifying the source. You may find out the reason you're jealous of your best friend is because she has a dream job that she loves while you work 80 hours a week in a position you loathe. Instead of Accounting, consider working two part-time jobs doing something you love, like teaching music or being a vocal coach. You'll be so busy, you won't even have time to be jealous of your friend anymore.
The definition of greed is a desire to posses more (especially material wealth) than one needs or deserves. While it's okay to want to achieve better things or want more from life, greed crosses that line and often becomes the only goal in life, foregoing relationships with family and friends. Greed is considered one of the seven deadly sins.
Greed may be a little more difficult to overcome because it is a mindset that isn't really triggered by anyone other than yourself and the need to hoard material items. The best way to overcome greed is to first recognize it. Since it stems from a lack of generosity and compassion for others, consider donating to others less fortunate. Try volunteering at a homeless shelter once a week. Once you recognize there are others in need, it may lessen your desire to only be concerned with yourself.
One of the issues with hatred is that it can show up as wishing harm against another person. Hatred or anger forces people into a vicious cycle of always looking for conflict and for enemies in persons you may not know personally. When there is conflict or perceived enemies all about, you tend to become occupied with strategies of self preservation or revenge. A good example is a dislike for an entire race based on what is seen and heard, without knowing anyone of that particular race individually.
The saying that only love can overcome hatred is something to actually consider. If loving the person you believe has done you wrong is not an option, that's OK. The trick is to not be consumed with this emotion and have it affect your everyday life. The process is simple. First, identify the source. Second, let those feelings go. Do this by getting involved with other things such as charity work. Soon you will find you've moved on and don't even think of the person at all.
Other bad emotions include delusion, ignorance, suspicion, cruelty and lust. If you find you are overwhelmed by any of these emotions, consider seeing a specialist.