Characteristics of a Type R Personality
Thrill Seekers
The dominant characteristic of a Type R personality is the constant search for new thrills and adventures. These sensation seekers have an adventurous spirit and are always on the prowl for new and exciting experiences.
Calculated Risks
Type R personalities are not thought to be reckless in their pursuit of adventure. Rather, they prefer to take calculated risks, seeking events that are thrilling, but not overly dangerous. They want to do new things, but nothing that would put them directly in harm's way.
Challenge Seeker
In addition to adventures, Type R personalities are drawn to challenges. In fact, this personality type is thought to thrive on taking on and overcoming specific obstacles. However, they should not be confused with Type A personalities, who take on challenges to reach increasingly ambitious goals. In contrast, Type R personalities take them on for the excitement and challenges they provide, while Type A personalities pursue them because of an excessive desire to achieve.