What Causes Temporary Memory Loss?
Transient Ischemic Attack
Strokes and stroke-like incidents may cause short-term memory loss. A transient ischemic attack (TIA) is one such event. Its manifestations are temporary. Sometimes, when the blood supply to one area of the brain is disturbed, a TIA can occur, and the affected person's brain function decreases. One of the functions disturbed can be memory. A person may forget names of people, where he placed his wallet or even where he is.
Transient Global Amnesia
Another kind of temporary memory loss is transient global amnesia. This can occur in those who have a neurological condition, such as stroke or epilepsy. When it happens, the person affected cannot recall recent events. He may not know where he is or how he came to be there. When affected with transient global amnesia, a person may not be able to recall the day or commonly known information, such as which city is the capitol of the country. Sufferers do remember who they are and recognize people they know.
Dissociative Disorders
People with dissociative disorders periodically and unintentionally avoid reality to keep from recalling traumatic events or things connected with them. Sometimes this comes in the form of temporary memory loss. These people may not be able to recall the circumstances of the trauma, or may bury the memory completely. The memory may return suddenly or be recalled with work in psychotherapy.
Alcohol or Drug Intoxication
Use of excessive amounts of drugs, such as barbiturates, or alcohol can cause temporary memory loss. The loss can occur during the substance abuse incident or following it. This can cause the substance abusers to awaken not knowing what happened during the drug or alcohol use. The memory of the lost time may not return.
Head Trauma
Head injury is a cause of temporary memory loss. Hard blows, penetration of the skull or striking the head on a hard surface may cause enough trauma to affect the memory. Concussions and contusions or laceration of the brain can cause temporary memory loss lasting from hours to weeks.