Mental Problems of Shopaholics

Picture the stereotypical shopaholic: A well-dressed young woman loaded down on both arms with shopping bags, scouring the mall for sales and deals. In reality, shopaholics can be any age or gender. In fact, a study conducted in 2006 by Standford University finds the number of male and female shopaholics in the U.S to be nearly the same. In extreme cases, a shopaholic's addiction can interfere with his personal and professional life. Considering this, its understandable that mental issues can easily be found behind shopaholic behavior.
  1. Stress and Anxiety

    • In the book-turned-movie "Confessions of a Shopaholic," the main character's habitual shopping causes her a lot of anxiety, which in turn drives her to do more shopping to relieve the stress of being in debt. The demands of every day life can drive a shopaholic to seek distraction in the act of shopping, though dealing with stress in this way can lead to more stress in the long run.


    • Shopaholics spend money on impulse, without really thinking about the possible consequences. Impulsiveness can be a personality trait, and in more extreme cases, it can be a symptom of a mental illness. A shopaholic's impulsiveness may also show in other areas of their lives, such as with their emotions or when making work-related decisions.


    • Shopaholics can also suffer from depression. A study conducted in Paris, France showed that anywhere between 50 too 100 percent of compulsive shoppers suffer from a mood disorder. For some people, shopping induces chemicals in the brain that create a feeling of well-being and happiness. Since the feeling is only temporary, it's natural for a shopaholic to seek that thrill over and over again.

    Low Self Esteem

    • Compulsive buying is also thought to stem from low self-esteem and insecurity. Shopping can be a way for shopaholics to compensate for their low self image and feelings of inadequacy, since they may not know how to fulfill their emotional needs otherwise.

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