How to Create Positive Thinking
Use positive speech. For example, instead of saying you "can't" do something, change the wording of your thought or speech to reflect what you can do. It is better to say you will give it your best shot than to say you cannot do it, which just reinforces that limitation in your mind. Also use words that give you a feeling of strength and competence. Practice using these words over and over until it becomes natural.
Give yourself a positive message. Many people have messages about themselves that play in their minds constantly and too often these messages are negative. Come up with a positive message for yourself. For example, your positive message may be "I am kind and compassionate." Repeat that message to yourself as often as possible until it becomes part of your daily thinking.
Forgive yourself for past mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes, even big ones. Do what you can to remedy the damage, and then forgive yourself for the mistake. You cannot change what happened, but you can change your actions and thoughts moving forward.
Break negative thought patterns. When you find yourself thinking of something negative, force your brain to think of something positive. You might think of a positive memory or a time when you felt really successful. Push those negative thoughts out of your mind and replace them with thoughts that are helpful. Patterns of thinking are habits and you can re-train your brain into different habits.