How to Care for a Child-Like Adult
How to Care for a Child-Like Adult
Find out as much about the particular disability as possible. This will help to more accurately interpret particular types of behavior. A good understanding may also help you to respond more appropriately. An example of this is that a person who knows more about dementia will not constantly try to correct the confused person, knowing that this upsets her more, and will not change the nature of her perceptions.
Develop a routine in caring for the child-like adult. Often he will feel much more comfortable when there is a rhythm to his day. Mentally disabled adults frequently dislike change. Be realistic about how much you can give physically and emotionally. Ask for help, and accept this when it is offered. Consider the possibility of day care or respite care. Sometimes the responsibilities involved in caregiving can make a carer lose perspective. Remind yourself of how important it is for you to remain well, and be rested.
Maintain the child-like adult's independence as much as possible. There may be small things that she can do for herself. It may be quicker to do it yourself, but fostering some independence is better for the person receiving care. Adapt your house to take into account the handicapped person's needs. Be aware of her safety needs when you are changing any aspects of the environment.