How to Cope With Infant Loss
Allow yourself time to grieve. Take one day at a time and don't try to move on too quickly as this will only cause a setback in the healing process. Don't suppress the grieving process either as going through all of the emotions is important.
Rely on support from family and friends. Your partner might not deal with the loss in the same way that you do but share your feelings with each other. Support each other in difficult times.
Go out and be with other people but prepare for uncomfortable moments. Infant loss is still somewhat of a taboo subject. Talking about the loss of an infant is difficult and there are going to be uncomfortable moments in conversations. Be open and honest at these times.
Get support from your doctor if necessary. Doctors can provide many resources to parents who have experienced the loss of an infant such as medications, support groups and counseling. Know that you will be changed forever but that you will survive.
Honor your lost infant by wearing a reminder of your baby or displaying a photograph when things become easier. You can also honor your baby by helping others cope with similar losses. By getting involved with a crisis center or support group, you can help both yourself and others.