Reasons for Short Term Memory Loss
Head Injury
Any number of head injuries could contribute to short-term memory loss, including concussions, fractures, hemorrhages, contusions and hematomas. Because the skull is the primary protector of the brain, a blow to the skull can have effects on the organ that are immediately apparent, or that increase in severity over time. A depressed skull fracture, for instance, is essentially a dent in the skull caused by blunt force trauma. The effects of such a strike will often materialize instantaneously, with a loss of consciousness, confusion and headache. Other injuries, such as a subdural hematoma (bleeding between the brain and skull), can develop as a result of a head injury, but not show their true severity for some time. Another type of head injury called a concussion occurs when a blow to the head causes the brain to shake. Memory loss may occur immediately after the impact and in the subsequent recovery period, known as post-concussive syndrome.
Substance Use and Withdrawl
Excessive use of alcohol and marijuana can contribute to memory loss, as can the cessation of alcohol consumption after a period of abuse, known as withdrawal or delirium tremens. Intoxication refers to a point when a person has consumed surpasses his or her alcohol tolerance. A person intoxicated from alcohol may have difficulty remembering events in the short term. If a person uses alcohol regularly for a period of time, and then stops drinking, he may feel effects for several days, which can include confusion and memory loss. Frequent use of marijuana can also have adverse psychological effects, including memory loss and learning difficulties.
Mental Conditions
Depression can cause people to fell sad and disinterested for an extended period of time, and is generally brought on by a combination of factors. The intense feeling of sadness associated with depression can make it hard to focus on and remember things, and short-term memory loss may manifest itself as a symptom. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a condition that makes it difficult to maintain focus and attention, and memory problems, both long and short term, may result. Another condition known as schizophrenia can cause a variety of mental effects. This illness directly effects the functioning of the brain and a person's thought processes, and short-term memory loss, among other symptoms, may result.