How to Drive Hate From the Mind

Losing dignity causes feelings of hatred, according to Psychology Today. Many times hate will start out as anger, move into bitterness and then become hate. If you let hate stay in your mind too long, it can lead you to take negative action against the object of your hatred. In order to avoid hate taking over your life, you must make the effort to work through it. Small steps will eventually help you remove hate from your mind entirely.


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      Find the root. In order to drive hate from your mind, you need to understand where it came from. If someone hurt your pride, this may provide the cause for the hate. Observing the root of the hate will eventually help you work through it, according to Lama Surya Das via the Public Broadcasting System.

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      Tell the truth. Many times lies that other people tell you result in hate. Examine what the person has said to you and then ask yourself about the truth. Say statements out loud that reflect the truth about yourself. The more you believe the truth about yourself, the less hate will infiltrate your system when someone says inaccurate and hurtful things about you.

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      Help others. Hate can reflect selfishness. By helping other people, you will remove hate from your mind by changing your focus. When you focus on what you can do for others, hate towards people begins to dissolve. Showing empathy for people will help you control your emotions, according to the Utah State University Human Development Department.

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      Build self-esteem. What people say or do can decimate your self-esteem. A person with low self-esteem may automatically respond to hurtful behavior with hate. By building your self-esteem, what people say or do will have less effect on you. Find something you enjoy such as sports, scrapbooking, music, etc. and pour energy into those activities. This will help you build self-esteem and keep your mind occupied. A full mind has no room for hate.

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