What are DSM-Oriented Scales?
DSM-style diagnosis is the norm in most hospital and clinical settings. It is certainly the norm for insurance purposes. Use of DSM-oriented scales makes it easier and more defensible to assign a DSM-type diagnosis to a given patient.
Just because a scale purports to be "DSM-Oriented" or "structured on the DSM" does not mean that it actually reflects the DSM diagnostic categories strictly. Before using a scale, a clinician should always check to see how the items of the scale relate to the DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria. You may find that the scale items ignore some DSM diagnostic criteria, and overemphasize others.
Potential Use
Probably the best use of DSM-oriented scales is as backup for a full diagnostic interview. There are interview protocols that are specifically designed to reflect the DSM diagnostic criteria very closely, such as the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV-TR.