Symptoms of ADHD or ADD
Hyperactive Impulsivity
Although it is normal for children to show signs of hyperactivity and impulsiveness, children with ADHD or ADD often have more serious and frequent episodes. For a doctor to diagnose ADHD, the child must have symptoms for at least 6 months at a level beyond normal behavior for children of the same age. Impulsive behavior related to ADHD can manifest as impatience, which includes interrupting others and reacting to questions before they are complete.
Predominantly Inattentive
While children with a diagnosis within the "predominantly inattentive" subcategory of ADHD are less likely to behave erratically, act out, or have difficulty getting along with others, they are more likely to exhibit a lack of interest in things around them and not pay attention to what they are doing. Because such children may sit quietly, their symptoms may go unnoticed by their teachers or parents.
Combined Symptoms
Children with combined types of ADHD experience symptoms that include both predominantly inattentive and hyperactive-impulsive behavior. The combined subcategories of this type of ADHD include six symptoms from each subcategory that relate to both hyperactivity and inattentiveness, such as boredom, difficulty sitting still, and difficulty organizing and completing work.
Causes of ADHD
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, the causes of ADHD or ADD remain uncertain. Researchers believe that causes include genes, personal environmental factors including being exposed to cigarette smoke during a mother's pregnancy, brain injury, and sugar levels. ADHD often runs in families, a fact that shows a possible genetic link.
Treatment Options
Children and adults with ADHD or ADD can undergo treatment with a variety of medications, psychotherapy that encourages behavioral change, and/or educational training that helps them teach parents and teachers how to give guidance and understanding.