Signs of a Gambling Problem
No Limits
One of the signs of gambling addiction is an inability to limit the amount of money spent. When a certain amount is allocated for gambling and the gambler cannot stop once the set amount has been spent, this is a sign of a gambling problem.
Guilty Conscience
When a person starts to feel shame and guilt about his gambling behavior, something is usually wrong. If the suspected addict is constantly complaining about how much money he is gambling and showing signs of remorse without action to change the circumstances, this can be a sign of a problem.
Shady Behavior
Hidden lottery tickets, stashes of money and receipts from casinos stashed throughout the house are also signs of a gambling problem. Most people don't feel it necessary to keep things hidden unless they know that what they are doing is wrong.
Borrowing Money
Continuously running out of money, going in to debt and borrowing money from others is a sign of a gambling problem. People in control of their gambling would not bet away their house. Unfortunately, someone with a gambling problem can't stop until he literally has nothing left.
When someone can't stop thinking or talking about gambling, it has become a preoccupation in their mind. Most people don't spend their idle time reminiscing about casinos and horse tracks. If this starts happening, the person should be confronted about their problem.
Criminal Activity
If a loved one is suddenly getting in trouble with the law, stealing or committing other various crimes, one answer could be that he is a gambling addict. If the crime committed is geared towards acquiring large sums of money, question the person on why they need that money. Gambling debts may be the answer.