Is There Such Thing As an Addictive Personality?
Addictive personalities are characterized by low tolerance for stress or frustration, low self-esteem, mood swings, impulsive behavior, anxiety and depression. While the disorder is recognized by many psychologists, its neurological basis is not yet understood, and some remain skeptical. Addictive patterns of behavior are thought by most to be the result of environmental and psychological factors.
People with addictive personalities are more susceptible than most to substance addiction and abuse, but the problem originates with behavior. Addictive behaviors such as gambling, eating disorders and sexual activity may occur as reactions to stress. Experimentation with, and addiction to, drugs and alcohol may accompany addictive behaviors such as these.
No matter the scientific evidence supporting the existence of addictive personalities, people suffering from addictive behavior may be treatable with counseling or psychotherapy. Behavioral therapy is vital to finding the cause and eliminating the effects of addiction.