Positive Attitude Exercises
Use Only Positive Words
When talking, RN Central recommends you use only positive words. Telling yourself "I can't" will only discourage you from achieving goals. Instead, focus on the positive alternatives and what you "can" do. Eliminate negative words from your daily vocabulary to improve your attitude toward yourself. Further, try adding words that evoke strength and success to your speech. Concentrating on strong, positive words will forge new connections mentally to positive concepts.
Practice Positive Affirmation
Each day, repeat a positive phrase to yourself. RN Central suggests phrases like "I deserve to be happy" or "I am worthy of love." Whatever your goals or desires in life, make these the central focus of your daily affirmations. Repeat this affirmation throughout the day, especially when you sense negative thoughts or feelings are headed your way.
Forgive, Forget and Give Credit
Everyone makes mistakes, but a positive attitude does not dwell on past errors. Instead, forgive yourself for previous mistakes, analyze them to see what went wrong and learn from them. Once you've identified positive ways to improve, or which actions of yours were correct in a bad situation, forget it and move on.
On the other hand, when you do something really well, give yourself the credit you deserve. Reaching a happy balance where you can learn from mistakes to improve the future and celebrate those accomplishments you do achieve, will make your attitude much more positive.
Daily Meditation
Take time to meditate daily to improve your mental attitude. Take 20 to 30 minutes each day to sit quietly, clear your mind and focus on positive thoughts. Mark off the calendar each day to chart your progress and stay motivated. Over time, the satisfaction derived from these daily meditations will keep you dedicated.
Visualize Your Goals
While meditating, you may want to work on your visualization techniques. Close your eyes and really see the goals you hope to achieve. RN Central says that picturing what you want to accomplish can be a great motivation tool.
Once you can visualize where you want to go, think of ways to take action and get to that goal. Try to visualize the steps between the present and your future vision. Think about why you want what you want, how you can get it, and why you deserve it.