How do I Use Flumazanil for ADHD?
Talk to a doctor about the effects of the ADHD medication being taken. Sometimes the effects of the medication require the use of flumazenil, but only a doctor can make this decision, and only a healthcare professional can give the medication to patients.
Allow the doctor to try other options. In most cases of ADHD, when problems arise due to a medication, doctors will try a new medication. Flumazenil is used to reverse the sedative effects of the medication and often is a last resort when doctors think that overdose is a possibility or that the effects of the medication are too harsh.
Allow the doctor to give the flumazenil injection. Flumazenil is given as an injection in most cases. ADHD medications that result in problems due to drowsiness or overdose might require the use of flumazenil, but a doctor or other healthcare professional must administer the injection. Patients cannot take flumazenil orally or at home.