How to Understand Psychological Test Results
Unaided understanding of the results of a psychological test can pose a challenge, but assistance with the task is available.
Understanding the Purpose
When trying to understand psychological test results, the professional who administers the test may be a source of information. Awareness of the purpose as you approach the test may help you know what to look for when reading the results.
Reviewing a Written Evaluation
Psychological testing services sometimes automatically provide clients with formal, thorough, written evaluations of test results. Read all materials carefully. The answers to your questions may be covered in the evaluation or in accompanying materials titled "frequently asked questions."
If a psychological test is standardized, the results may simply be comparable with statistical results in order to see how a score rates among those of others. Request copies of available information that will enable you to make such comparisons.
Meeting with a Counselor
If the written evaluation is unclear and still raises questions that need to be answered professionally, request an in-person consultation with a counselor, test administrator or evaluator qualified to discuss the results. Review the results before the meeting, make notes and prepare a list questions. During the meeting, seek clarification on any issue of concern. Ask for recommendations for further reading.