Self-Esteem Lunch Bunch Activities
For people with self-esteem issues, attending a lunch bunch may help. Hosted by schools and counseling groups, a self-esteem lunch bunch allows attendees to enjoy a meal while learning about their feelings. Activities at the gathering encourage self-reflection and promote healthy self-esteem.
Affirmation Lists
Affirmation lists help people feel better about themselves. Affirmation lists promote healthy self-reflection and give participants a written account of their value. Have participants create a positive list about themselves of 10 items or fewer. Topics may include their strengths, greatest achievements or attractive traits. Give this activity a five-minute time limit to encourage prompt completion. After they finish, allow participants to either review their lists privately or share them.
Compliment Circle
Compliment circles give people the chance to hear nice things about themselves, which may improve their self-esteem. This quick and easy activity works best with a previously acquainted group. In succession around the table, direct everyone to say one positive thing about the person to their right.
Laughter may indeed be the best medicine. Laughter helps the mind by inducing positive feelings and improving mood. Instruct participants to laugh for one minute straight. They may recall a funny memory, joke, comedian, movie or nothing at all. The laughter does not have to come from genuine humor; they can force it. The point is to train the mind through the act of laughing.
Visualization helps release emotions that impair self-esteem. Through visualization, participants release negative emotions. Direct participants to close their eyes and imagine a person with low self-esteem. Next instruct them to focus on the person's low self-esteem and what it feel likes. Then make the person move toward them so that they are one and the same, experiencing the same emotions. Participants should then move the person away from them. Tell them to focus on the moment of release and concentrate on how it feels to no longer have those feelings.
Personal Ad
Personal ads allow attendees to reflect on their appealing qualities. Distribute note cards and have participants write, in the form of a personal ad, something nice about themselves that would make them a good friend. It could be a personality trait, a hobby or an accomplishment. If they can't think of anything for themselves, have them write an ad that lists a characteristic they value in a friend. Sharing is optional.