Profile Personality Types
Over time, the test has proven to be valid, meaning it measures what it says it will measure and is reliable, meaning the results can be repeated. An understanding of personality types can direct career paths as well. Those interested in learning their specific personality types can take the test at the Myers-Briggs website.
Carl G. Jung first developed the theory of personality types in the 1920's. Isabel Briggs Myers developed the MBTI test during the 1940's, and research validated the results by the end of the 1950's. The test that is now used was first publicized in 1962, and millions of people take it yearly.
Social Preference
Extroverts enjoy being the life of the party while introverts prefer to stay home with a book. These traits are measured by E and I.
Fact Gatherers
Sensing individuals focus on the the facts of the issues, while intuitive people expand and draw conclusions based on those facts. These traits are symbolized by S and N.
Decision Making
Thinking individuals emphasize rational, logical conclusions, and feeling people assess others and the circumstances surrounding the situation. These characteristics are denoted by T and F.
Judging people make quick decisions with the information they have but perceptive people keep on open mind regarding options and information. These qualities are symbolized by a J and a P.