How to Get Lots of Self Confidence
Consider your strengths and successes. If possible, write them down so that you can look back at them later. When have you helped other people? What are you good at? What do you like doing? When have you been proud of yourself? What have you worked hard for? If you have trouble thinking of your strengths and successes, ask a family member or close friend.
Assess your weaknesses. Are there specific tasks at work or home that make you anxious? Do certain people make you feel bad about yourself? Being aware of specific tasks you dislike, such as giving business presentations, can help you keep your weaknesses in perspective. In addition, being aware of flaws is an important part of having healthy self-confidence.
Set meaningful and attainable goals. Write them down so you won't forget them. For example, if you enjoy cooking, resolve to make a home-cooked meal for friends once a week. If you like reading, plan to read one book each month.
Combat negative thinking. Try not to focus only on the negatives of a situation, and don't put yourself down. Instead, forgive yourself for mistakes, and keep failures in perspective. Since some setbacks are inevitable, being able to cope with disappointment is important. Remind yourself of your strengths and accomplishments.
Track your success. When you reach a goal, reward yourself and continue to set more meaningful goals. Write down tasks you have accomplished, and look over your list when you need a confidence boost.
Maintain your physical health. It's easier to feel bad about yourself when you're tired or sick. Instead, get plenty of sleep, exercise regularly and enjoy a healthy diet.