What Is the Meaning of Therapy?

Therapy is often associated with severe mental issues, but therapy is for anyone who is confused or suffers from any self-doubt. There are many types of therapy available to help patients clarify most issues.
  1. Definition

    • Therapy is the treatment of disorders in the body or mind and disorders or issues that affect one's behavior. Treatment is offered by a professional who offers physical or psychological counseling, or some other sort of emotional or spiritual support and guidance.


    • Therapy aims to reduce suffering, to increase positive feelings of self and improve self image, and to help the patient identify what is at the root of any problem or feeling of self doubt and confusion.


    • There are hundreds of different types of therapy, including: dream analysis, dance movement therapy, physical therapy, regression therapy, psycho-physical therapy, sand tray therapy, self relations, self-acceptance training, poetry work, feminist therapy, core process psychotherapy and psychodrama.

    Function of Psychotherapy

    • Therapy allows a patient to express her feelings with a professional and come to an understanding as to why she thinks or behaves the way she does. Therapists attempt to change a patient's perspective on the past, so she might improve current relationships and set clear goals in the future.


    • According to GoodTherapy.org, there at least 50 warning signs of questionable therapy, including: the counselor does not have significant training or education to address a patient's issues, therapist treats the patient like she's inferior, therapist tries to befriend a patient, and counselor blames or encourages a patient to blame his family, friends or spouse.

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