Fun Brain Games for Adults
Focus Game
“Lost in Migration” helps you avoid distractions and increases productivity and concentration by strengthening your ability to pay attention to important information while ignoring surrounding information. If you find yourself losing your train of thought fairly often, then try this game. Start retraining your brain to stay focused and attentive on what you are thinking or talking about.
Speed Game
“Speed Match” improves your brain's ability to interpret information. Use this game to increase the speed at which your brain processes information. You can think faster and perform tasks more effectively by improving the speed at which your brain functions.
Flexibility Game
“Word Bubbles” strengthens your verbal fluency by having you come up with as many words as you can that start with the same letters. Improve your talking and writing fluency by playing this game. It provides a way to have fun while practicing and sharpening your brain’s ability to deliver words more quickly for speech and writing tasks. To measure your existing mental vitality and flexibility try the “Stroop Test” (see Resources) used in neuropsychological evaluations.
Memory Game
“Memory Matrix” enhances your spatial recall by challenging your ability to remember patterns that evolve and become more complex. Enhancing your spatial recall develops your memory. Exercise your working memory while improving 3-D perception, recall of the location of objects and visual patterns.
Problem Solving Game
“Raindrops” can sharpen your arithmetic or recover your ability to work with numbers. Working with numbers does not come naturally for some, and for those who have it, this talent can decline with age. Regardless of your arithmetic skill level this game improves your mathematical skills.
Other Games and Tools
Exercise your brain with puzzles, games, illusions or virtually anything that stumps or mystifies your senses. The more your brain needs to figure out, the more exercise you are giving it. Brainbashers (see References) provides a variety of contests, puzzles, and games to challenge your brain and slow age-related cognitive decline.