How to Cure Psychic Inertia
Admit there is a problem. Face the illness of psychic inertia. Much like treatment for addiction, nothing can be done until a person admits there is a problem. Only then can treatment begin. Ask for support from family and friends in combating psychic inertia. Without a good support network, a person can easily slip back into old habits and ways. Explain what psychic inertia is to the support network and let them know exactly how they can help. Identify behavior patterns that are in need of changing and ask the support network to monitor the person with psychic inertia behavior.
Consult a health care professional. A general practitioner may not have the expertise to handle a patient with psychic inertia. A referral from the general practitioner to a specialist like a psychologist or psychiatrist may be necessary. The problem may or may not be psychic inertia and may also be causing other health issues.
Listen to the conscious mind, not the senses. In "The Functional Inertia Of Living Matter", Dr. James McKean Cattell says "inertia is primarily in our sense organs, that we experience inertia because our sense organs tell us that is what we should experience. Our senses can deceive us and by simply becoming aware of the signals our senses send we can then choose to react in a positive way, by not allowing them to dictate out behavior."
People who suffer from psychic inertia often respond to the feelings of their senses and become slaves to those feelings doing whatever those feelings tell them to. This places the guidance of the sense organs in a more powerful position than the conscious mind, which is not how it should be.
For example, an athlete may feel tired during a match, his sense organs may indicate that he is tired, yet he plays on until the end of the game because his conscious mind is in control. While he is aware of the senses, he contextualizes them and uses intellect to determine he can still continue playing. Whereas a person with psychic inertia in a similar situation would listen to his sense organs and stop playing.