How to Identify Symptoms of a Pathological Liar
Give your friend the benefit of the doubt unless you have proof that he is lying to you. A single lie does not make a person a pathological liar, especially if the lie stems from the desire to keep the person out of trouble.
Suspect stories that are too fantastical to be real. Some pathological liars need constant attention and they get it by telling stories that thrill and delight. Although there is a chance that the stories are true, if the person telling them constantly has stories of this nature, she might be lying.
Observe the intent of the stories. If you can determine no reason for the story, except to impress others, the storyteller might be a pathological liar. The liar may also lie so convincingly because he actually believes his own lies. Some pathological liars have successfully passed polygraph tests.
Question the person if you find inconsistencies in her stories. Because a pathological liar tells tall tales regularly, she may forget small details she told you previously.
Notice a need in a pathological liar to tell a bigger or better story than everyone else in the room. As a side effect of a narcissistic personality disorder, these people feel compelled to fabricate stories just to get attention.
Think twice before relying on the word of a person you think is a pathological liar. Accomplished liars may look you straight in the eye while telling you a total untruth.