What Are the Demographics of Compulsive Gamblers?
According to the Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders at MindDisorders.com, more males are compulsive gamblers than females in the United States by an estimated ratio of 2:1. Males are more likely to seek treatment for compulsive gambling than females as well.
According to MayoClinic.com, males are most likely to develop a compulsive gambling problem between 21 and 55 with the incidence rising among teenage boys. Females are more prone to form a gambling problem in their 20s.
Family History
The Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders states, "About 25% of people diagnosed as pathological gamblers had a parent with the disorder." Despite this, strong evidence of a hereditary component has not been uncovered as environment may be responsible for the correlation between compulsive gambling and a family history of the disorder.
Suicide Risk
One in five compulsive gamblers contemplates, attempts or commits suicide which is approximately 20 times higher than the general population. Compulsive gamblers have the highest suicide rate of all addiction disorders according to Dr. Rachel A. Volberg, President of Gemini Research.
Approximately 65% of compulsive gamblers will commit crime as a means of gaining money to fuel their gambling addiction as per OvercomingGambling.com. This may include writing bad checks or embezzlement as well as theft.
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