What Parts of Our Brains Are Responsible for Emotions?
An almond-shaped structure in the temporal lobe, the amygdala deals with the formation of many different emotions. Positive emotions and activities like affection, friendship and love are controlled by the amygdala. Likewise, emotions like rage, fear, and aggression are also generated by the amygdala. This structure is the center of self-preservation in many animals and it triggers the famous fight or flight sensation. The amygdala forms opinions about certain information, for example is the tiger scary or is the boss friendly. If the amydala was removed, we would lose the ability to judge things emotionally.
The hypothalamus is a structure that has connections to motivated behaviors like combativeness, sexuality, thermal regulation, thirst and hunger. Since those activities are often tied to strong emotions, it is believed the structure deals with emotions like rage and pleasure. As a logical extension, it can trigger such feelings as displeasure, aversion, and the need for uncontrollable laughter. The hypothalamus deals more with the expression of emotion than the generation of emotions but it can generate a feeling of panic and anxiety in some situations.
The hippocampus has the main role of forming long-term memory in the brain. This memory function also extends to interpreting memories and stimuli. If it is recalled that a person was unkind to you in the past, the hippocampus may trigger the other parts of your brain to generate fear or loathing because that was associated with the previous memory. Without the hippocampus, you would not be able to remember the emotions associated with past actions and experiences.
The thalamus is the control center for the limbic system. The actions of the amygdala, hypothalamus and hippocampus are relayed through the thalamus. If the thalamus is damaged, it is believed that emotional behavior will change because of the interconnectedness of the thalamus and the rest of the emotional sectors of the brain.
Frontal Lobe
This sector of the brain is part of the neopallium (the neocortex) which is the most recent evolutionary part of the brain. The lobe deals with problem solving, reasoning, impulse control and judgment. These qualities allow it to temper and control the wild emotions that can be generated by the limbic system. It also deals with some higher emotions like altruism and empathy. This is the sector of the brain that is more connected with higher fulfillment as opposed to immediate gratification.
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