Major Psychological Disorders
Schizophrenia is a major mental disorder that has received a lot of attention in the media but that few really understand. There are a wide variety of symptoms, but common ones include hallucinations, hearing voices, delusions and paranoia. If the psychiatrist prescribes antipsychotics, it is important that the person suffering from schizophrenia stays on them. Without proper treatment symptoms of schizophrenia can only get worse and the patient may completely detach from reality.
Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression, is defined by its rapid mood swings between mania and depression. Symptoms of mania include decreased need for sleep, rapid thoughts and elevated mood. Depression is characterized by suicidal thoughts, depressed mood and lack of energy. People with bipolar disorder often have difficulty maintaining jobs and romantic relationships due to the nature of the illness. Manic depression is usually treated with psychotherapy, mood stabilizers, antidepressants and counseling.
Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a major anxiety disorder that is relatively common. According to the book "Anxiety Disorders", 2.5% of Americans suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder. Symptoms of OCD include repetitive behaviors (such as washing or counting), nervousness, anxiety, irrational fears, compulsive checking or cleaning and intrusive thoughts. These symptoms only indicate OCD if they are severe enough to interfere with daily life and function. OCD can be treated with medication and therapy to make it more manageable.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is pretty much self-explanatory. People suffering from GAD are constantly under extreme anxiety and worry about many different situations. Other symptoms include trouble sleeping, muscle tension, difficulty concentrating, irritability and fatigue. In order for a person to be diagnosed with GAD their symptoms must persist for more than six months and interfere with daily life or cause significant distress. Generalized anxiety disorder can be treated with antianxiety medication and therapy that teaches proper ways to deal with stress.
Panic Disorder
Panic disorder (PD) consists of panic attacks and the constant fear of having panic attacks. The first panic attack is usually brought on by anxiety, while subsequent panic attacks are usually caused by the fear of these attacks in addition to the original anxiety. Symptoms of panic attacks include shortness of breath, chest pain, upset stomach, sweating and racing heart. PD, like other anxiety disorder, is treated with stress management techniques and antianxiety medication.