Ego & Jealousy

In psychoanalysis, ego is the part of the mind that acts according to emotions and impulse. Jealousy is a reaction to the ego's fear that it does not measure up to others' accomplishments or is unworthy of the object or person desired.
  1. Features

    • Ego constantly compares itself with others, determining how it stacks up in terms of talent, appearance, intellect and accomplishments.


    • Ego's primary goal is to avoid feeling vulnerable by convincing the individual that her fears are rational and true.


    • Ego defends itself by either attacking the self through doubts or by attacking others through unfounded accusations.


    • Possessiveness temporarily soothes the ego by making it feel closer to the person or thing desired, but jealousy quickly arises if that relationship is threatened.


    • Ego can be ashamed of its jealousy, which increases self-loathing and insecurity. Typical manifestations of vulnerability include illogical reactions to situations, assumptions not based on facts, an inability to spend time alone and obsessing over problems.


    • Ego can be strengthened or reassured through talking with impartial friends or counselors, finding time to relax in peaceful settings, keeping and reviewing a journal and distancing yourself from the troubling situation.

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