Gaba Receptor For Neuropathic Pain Disorder
GABA Neurotransmitters
Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers in the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nervous system that allow nerve cells (i.e., neurons) to communicate with each other. GABA, short for gamma-amminobutyric acid, is the chief inhibitory neurotransmitter of the brain and spinal cord. Its effect is generally to inhibit or decrease the activity of neurons.
GABA-B Receptors
Receptors are landing ports on nerve cells that receive specific neurotransmitters, which then either excite or inhibit that nerve cell. There are two types of GABA receptors on certain neurons. GABA-B receptors receive GABA, and also respond to “mood stabilizer” medications such as lithium, carbamazepine and valproate. GABA and these medications inhibit the neurons, decreasing their activity.
GABA-A Receptors
GABA-A receptors receive GABA, but also can bind with certain types of medications such as benzodiazepines, barbiturates and neurosteroids. These medications, generally used as anti-anxiety and anti-seizure medications, suppress nervous system activity.
Nocioceptive vs. Neuropathic Pain
Nocioceptive pain alerts the brain and body to respond to and limit damage caused to tissue. Neuropathic pain is chronic and the result of a disease state. In neuropathic pain, deterioration of the myelin sheath (the protective coating to nerves), growth of new receptor sites on nerve cells that respond to both incoming and outgoing messages to and from the brain, and other pathological conditions, cause chronic feed-back loops of unending, dysfunctional pain.
Enhancement of GABA in the central nervous system can aid in the treatment of neuropathic pain by inhibiting nerve cell activity that perpetuates pain cycles. GABA receptors on neurons in the dorsal (rear) horn of the spinal cord, and on nerves in the amygdala, hypothalamus and other emotional modulation areas of the brain reduce neuropathic pain when activated by GABA or by medications.
Medications that Affect GABA
Different medications enhance GABA functions via varied mechanisms, and in so doing appear to have varied positive effects on neuropathic pain. Tiagabine, gabapentin, benzodiazepines, topiramate, valproate and vigabatrin can be used to treat neuropathic pain.