Can Compulsive Behavior Be Symbolic?

Compulsive behavior is defined as the need to consistently perform an act, and not doing so can cause discomfort or anxiety. Compulsive behavior can be symbolic of troubles due to fears and past experiences or used as a coping mechanism.
  1. Types of Compulsive Behavior

    • Compulsive behavior can be can be sexual or non sexual in nature. It can be any type of behavior that is conducted in a repetitive way out of a need to do that specific activity or action.

    Reasons For Compulsive Behavior

    • Compulsive behavior is caused by a thought that some act must be performed otherwise it can lead to an unwanted consequence. By performing these compulsions, people try to remove the anxiety associated with these types of thoughts, but it only temporarily relieves distress because the initial thought still causes the need to act out the compulsion.

    Is Compulsive Behavoir Symbolic?

    • Compulsive behavior can be symbolic of the past or present. Compulsions can be symbolic of a situation in your life that are associated with painful emotions that a person might not be ready or are unable to deal with.

    Triggers in Compusive Behavior

    • Triggers are what sets off the compulsive behavior. They can be anything from a memory, a thought, riding a bus, or touching something. Identifying these triggers can be a way to find the symbolism in the compulsive behavior and a way to control them.

    Identifying Symbols in Compulsive Behavior

    • The symbolism in compulsive behavior can be very complex and usually needs a professional to diagnose specifics through therapy. Mild forms of compulsive behavior can be altered by being aware of the behavior, why it needs to occur and changing the thought altering the behavior. If you are unsure why the behavior occurs, it might be helpful to speak to a therapist or mental health professional.

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