The Role of Emotions in Thinking
Thoughts lead to emotions and ultimately, behaviors. However, behaviors are the outcomes we blame on feelings. Emotional reactions and lifestyle are associated with our basic beliefs and are therefore cognitively created.
The Importance of Beliefs
Personal beliefs (what people think of self, others, and situations) stem from developmental and chronological age, experiences, purposes, and values. Emotions stem mainly from our beliefs, evaluations, interpretations, and reactions to life situations.
The Role of Emotion
Emotion is definitely important. The helpful secret here is this, while the role of emotion and behavior is the main character, thought is the director. According to theory and practice, emotions and behaviors can be changed by challenging irrational thinking, negative and maladaptive thoughts.
Therapeutic pioneers and founding fathers Ellis, and Beck, as well as Berne, and Adler shared one important belief; clients must challenge what they think, feel, and how they behave based on the power of cognitive understanding. The belief behind the theory was that distressing emotions are typically the result of maladaptive thoughts. Change the thought, and the emotion and behavior will also be different.
Client's Experience In Therapy
Cognitive therapy focuses on moving clients from thinking external circumstances and other people cause their problems to learning personal beliefs (which start with a thought) cause emotions and behaviors. Clients learn to challenge irrational thoughts, change life scripts, internal dialogue, and new coping skills in order to accept the self despite imperfections.