Serotonin Vs. Melatonin
Serotonin and melatonin work as neurotransmitters, chemicals carrying signals between neurons in the brain. Serotonin enhances mood and provides energy. The Oregon Health and Science University connects low melatonin to mood disorders due to the disruption of physiological patterns including sleep.
Melatonin regulates healthy sleep cycles. It is produced in response to darkness and results in nightly sleep. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services explains that insufficient serotonin, a building block of melatonin, can cause insomnia by preventing melatonin production.
The American Journal of Psychiatry reports that serotonin is manufactured by the brain stem. Stanford University states that the pineal gland is responsible for melatonin production.
Depression can result from deficient serotonin or excessive melatonin production. Too much serotonin or too little melatonin can result in insomnia.
Treatment for serotonin dysfunction includes antidepressant therapy to increase functional serotonin levels, or mood-stabilizing drugs to combat excesses. Melatonin levels may naturally balance when serotonin function is restored. Otherwise, supplements can be used to combat deficiency.