ADHD & OCD in Children
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Symptoms of ADHD include having trouble paying attention, disorganization, trouble concentrating and poor social skills. The child may constantly interrupt, invade someone's personal space and make irrelevant comments.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Symptoms of OCD are obsessive thoughts and/or behaviors and the person is usually aware that the thoughts and behaviors are irrational. However, they're unable to stop these behaviors.
Both disorders can have similar causes such as genetic predisposition, prenatal issues, and exposure to environmental toxins.
Sometimes OCD can be confused with ADHD, because with both conditions there is an inability to move from task to task and remain focused. However, the reasons are quite different.
Co-Morbid Disorders
When a child is suffering from both disorders, she can become self-conscious, anxious or depressed. Therapy and medication can be utilized to help. Someone who believes that his child suffers from one or both of these disorders should seek the help of a licensed mental health professional.