How to Deal With a Relapse in Gamblers Anonymous
Acknowledge the relapse. Relapses are common for any addiction, but ignoring the problem can lead right back to a full out compulsive gambling addiction. Even placing a small bet or throwing a quarter into a slot machine counts as a relapse, acknowledge that you've gambled, no matter how little.
Work up the willingness and motivation to change. Gamblers Anonymous promotes honest, open-mindedness and willingness in the compulsive gambling recovery program. Without wanting or being willing to receive help and make a permanent change, full recovery is not possible. Gain the will to change compulsive gambling habits for good without relapse.
Attend Gamblers Anonymous meetings again. Returning to a Gamblers Anonymous program must be done willingly. Go back to the program and seek advice from your peers. If needed, repeat the 12 Step Gamblers Anonymous program from the beginning.