Serious Narcissistic Disorder
According to the Mayo clinic, on one level, narcissists believe themselves superior to others and worthy of praise and admiration. On another level, they have fragile senses of self-esteem and may feel secretly shameful or humiliated.
Narcissists can have symptoms that range from mild to very serious. According to, narcissism is often accompanied by depression, anorexia and substance abuse, as well as personality disorders including histrionic, borderline, antisocial and paranoid.
Serious narcissists lack a sense of compassion and of their own capabilities and limitations, which causes them to manipulate people and to have difficulty setting realistic goals.
While there is no known method of preventing narcissistic disorder, those who suffer from severe cases are usually treated with extensive therapy.
The causes of narcissistic personality disorder are unknown. There is evidence suggesting it can be traced to a dysfunctional childhood, while other data point to genetics as a factor.