How to Have a Child Assessed for ADD
Schedule an appointment with your pediatrician so that he can evaluate your child for any medical conditions, such as a hearing problem or neurological disorder. Ask the physician for a mental health referral or recommendation if there is no evidence of an underlying health condition.
Choose a mental health care provider for the assessment. Follow the pediatrician's recommendation, or narrow your search by contacting psychologists who specialize in child therapy or Attention Deficit Disorder. Visit for a professional directory of services by location, if needed, and ask friends, family and other health care providers for their recommendations.
Schedule an appointment with your chosen provider, and gather information to assist her with the ADD assessment. Ask your child's teachers or caregivers for information about his behaviors away from home, and note your child's medical and family history to assist with a thorough assessment.
Attend your scheduled appointment, and provide any requested information.
Discuss any concerns with the psychologist, and follow his treatment recommendations. If your child does not receive an ADD diagnosis, she may require assessment and treatment for another disorder.