ADHD Vs. Depression
Depression Symptoms
Depression can change you in different ways. It could affect your social life, your family life or other interests that you usually make you happy. It will affect your day-to-day routine.
ADHD Symptoms
People who show signs of ADHD may act out in diverse ways. Not listening to others or not being able to concentrate are the most common symptoms. They may not be able to control themselves. People who are suffering from ADHD may also show signs of aggressive behavior, according to the ADDitude magazine website.
Distinguishing ADHD from Depression
According to the ADDitude magazine website, distinguishing ADHD from depression can be tricky. This is because "both disorders bring mood problems, forgetfulness, an inability to focus, and a lack of motivation."
ADHD Characteristics
One characteristic that is different between ADHD and depression is emotional. ADHD can cause depressive moods that usually last for an hour or two, and then subside, according to the ADDitude magazine website.
Depression Characteristics
When someone has depression, they will usually stay down and in dark moods for months upon months and may need medication in order to feel better.
What Should You Do?
If you or someone you love has signs of depression or ADHD, you should seek the help of a medical professional as soon as possible.