Diet to Eliminate ADHD
Identify your ADHD Type
Specific dietary choices depend on the type of ADHD you have. Temporal lobe ADHD is associated with head trauma that directly limits the activity of the temporal lobe. It's characterized by severe mood swings and sudden outbursts of anger. "Ring of Fire" ADHD sufferers exhibit unmitigated and constant activity across their entire cerebral cortex. They tend to be aggressive, stubborn, anxious and talkative. Overfocused ADHD shows excessive activity in the anterior cingulate gyrus of the brain, the section responsible for adjusting to new situations. As a result, obsessive and argumentative behavior is prevalent, along with excessive worrying. Limbic ADHD shows irregularities in the limbic area of the brain which handles the reptilian, emotional brain. Extreme negativity plagues these individuals, often accompanied by depression and serious problems with low self-esteem. Inattentive ADHD is often misdiagnosed with lazy daydreaming (possibly due to insufficient production of dopamine in the brain). The most common form of ADHD is Classic; it often manifests early in life. Patients are often chatty, restless, easily distracted and prone to procrastination.
Begin by taking a multivitamin, regardless of your particular type of ADHD. People with ADHD tend to struggle with planning meals and often eat out a lot. Dining out rarely offers a balanced diet and vitamin supplements help make up the difference. Classic, Inattentive, and Overfocused ADD all benefit from the inclusion of amino acids such as L-tyrosine. Overfocused ADD also sees improvement from St. John's Wort. Ring of Fire ADD benefits from GABA (glutamic acid), and omega-3 fatty acids. Temporal Lobe ADD also is affected by GABA as well as ginko biloba, and vitamin E. Limbic ADD sufferers should find DL-phenylalanine, L-tyrosine and A-Adenosyl-Methionine helpful in dealing with their negativity. If any of these supplements cause an increase in negative behavior, you might have yourself pegged as the wrong type of ADD.
What to Eat
Eating right is a subject of heavy debate among nutritionists. The basic rule for people with ADHD is to eat three balanced meals and two snacks daily. A balanced meal is a protein, carbohydrate and vegetable in each meal; the snacks should be natural and healthy (not potato chips or candy). In addition, drinking a lot of water is essential to carry the nutrients we consume to the various cells of our body. Eight glasses a day is ideal. It is also a good idea to stay away from refined foods-- anything with bleached flour, white sugars or corn syrup. The best forms of carbohydrates are whole grains, beans, vegetables and citrus fruits. High protein diets are particularly helpful for Overfocused ADD; healthy proteins include poultry, lean cuts of beef, fish, low-fat cheese (such as cottage and mozarella), milk and soy products.