Psychology of Addiction to Sugar
Sweets can be addictive
Addiction to Sugar
An addiction is an obsessive form of dependence that can be focused on a variety of substances, people or behaviors. Sugar addiction involves the obsession with and compulsive consumption of foods containing sugar.
People suffering from sugar addiction constantly crave sweets and feel an altered state of mind after consuming sugary foods. This is usually followed by withdrawal symptoms such as fatigue, anxiety and tremors if more sugar is not consumed.
Biological Aspects
Sugar addiction has been shown to have a biological basis. A Princeton Study demonstrated that sugar intake in rats effected brain chemicals such as dopamine and that abstinence after prolonged intake increased the desire to binge or consume more sugar, creating an addictive cycle.
If sugar addiction is not addressed, it can lead to additional problems such as obesity or to diabetes for those prone to that condition. Specific treatment for sugar addiction is still uncertain, but because of its addictive aspect, it may be treatable much like other addictions such as alcoholism.
Sugar addiction is an eating disorder with psychological as well as biological components and can be a significant challenge for those struggling with it.