Addiction Treatment for Heroin

Heroin is a serious narcotic that is related to the morphine family. Because of its strength, it is one of the most addictive drugs in existence.
  1. AA

    • The first way to treat a heroin addiction before it spirals out of control is the 12 Step AA program. This program teaches you how to live and fight addiction.


    • Detox is the second way to get over an addiction. This is the process of ridding the body of all drugs. It is often painful and makes a person sick with withdrawals.


    • For serious heroine addictions, people in rehab are prescribed methadone. This drug is distributed in liquid or tablets and must be monitored because people can easily overdose on it.


    • Therapy is an important part of overcoming a heroine addiction. This is the best way to understand addiction and why a person is addicted.


    • It is important to understand heroin addiction in order to overcome it. Addiction is a powerful thing triggered by certain emotions or chemical imbalances. Understanding what it is and how to overcome it is crucial to curing an addiction.

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