DSM IV Definition of Autism
Social Interaction
Autism is marked by impairment of nonverbal behaviors (e.g., eye contact, facial expressions and body postures) and a failure to develop friendships appropriate to age. People with autism may also display a lack of emotional reciprocity as well as a lack of seeking to share enjoyment with others.
Speech is impaired or absent. In autistic individuals who do speak, there is impairment in the ability to hold a conversation, usually with stereotyped language usage. Spontaneous make-believe and social imitative play is lacking.
Stereotyped Behavior
The individual may have an abnormally intense preoccupation with a specific pattern or parts of objects. Repetitive mannerisms may be present (e.g., hand clapping or twisting movements), and autistic people may appear to be inflexible regarding routines.
Abnormal Functioning
Prior to age 3 years, children with autism may have abnormal or delayed functioning in social interaction, social communication or symbolic or imaginative play.
Other Disorders
The symptoms must not be better accounted for by the diagnosis of either Rett's disorder or childhood disintegrative disorder. In both of these disorders, development appears normal for a period and then appears to deteriorate over time.