Alcohol & Drug Treatment Plan
Admit to and Commit to Fixing the Problem
The first step to solving a problem is admitting to yourself that you have a problem. If you are in denial of the problem, it can never be fixed. This why we have all heard the famous Alcoholics Anonymous greeting, "I am (name) and I am an alcoholic." After coming to terms with the fact that you have problem, you must commit to fixing it.
Learn About the Problem
Information is is essential. The more knowledgeable you are about your problem, the easier it will be to overcome. Most drug users and alcoholics begin using or drinking because they had some type of problem. Common problems are struggling to fit in during childhood or adolescence, the loss of a loved one or friend, or a generally difficult home life. Drugs become an efficient way of escaping reality. When planning on stopping substance abuse, you must identify what your reason for drug use was in the first place. Once you have figured this out, part of your plan will be to try and look for other methods of coping with this problem. You must also learn about who you are as a person independent of the drugs or alcohol. Too often a person begins to define himself by his addiction. You must assess your likes and dislikes, your skills, and abilities.
Build Your Supoort System
Humans are naturally social creatures. We need other people with which to communicate. Sometimes friends of addicts bring them down and urge them to do drugs or drink. If this is the case, seek a better support system. Cultivate a group of friends who respect you for who you are. Some addicts or alcoholics may be lucky enough to have supportive family members who are willing to help. A strong support network can be built at a rehab clinic or through a support group. At a rehab clinic or support group, the recovering alcoholic or drug addict can socialize and seek support from others who are going through or who have gone through the same thing. Counselors and nurse at these centers can be helpful support as well. If you are not at a facility, a counselor or psychologist can help.