What Are the Benefits of Psychological Tests?
Cognitive Tests
IQ tests can be administered in schools to learn more about students' cognitive strengths and weaknesses. Students who belong in programs such as GATE (Gifted and Talented Education) as well as special education classes can be determined by psychological tests, including those that measure individual intelligence quotient.
Some therapists like to administer psychological tests to clients as a way of learning more about their psychopathology. Tests like the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) can assist therapists in developing treatment plans based on mental illnesses that may be present.
House-Tree-Person (H-T-P) is a test in which therapists give clients a blank piece of paper and ask them to draw a house, tree and person. After the drawings, clients are asked a series of questions. H-T-P is known as a projective test and reveals a lot about client's unconscious beliefs. Rorschach is another projective test in which clients are given flashcards to look at with various blots of ink. Clients state the kind of object they believe each blot of ink represents revealing information about their unconscious thoughts.
Tests such as Myers-Briggs are useful in discovering more about an individual's personality. These can be done in an employment setting to learn ways that employees can interact and work with one another more effectively or in a clinical setting to learn more about an individual client.
Tests such as the Taylor-Johnson Temperament Analysis and the 16pf (16 Personality Factor) can be effective in marital therapy to help couples understand their individual personalities more clearly and how they interact with one another in marriage.