Information on the Mentally Handicapped
There are many possible causes of mental handicaps. Infections, chromosomal abnormalities, environmental, genetic, metabolic, nutritional, or toxic factors before or after birth are all possible causes. Severe head injury can cause a mental handicap as well. It is never easy to determine the cause of handicap in one specific person, however. Usually only about 25 percent of cases have a determined cause.
Around 2 percent of children are affected by some degree of a mental handicap. Two percent of people have an IQ below 70. Sometimes an IQ of 75-70 is considered a mild mental handicap, in which case the prevalence could be as high as 2.3 percent.
IQ scores of children are assessed when determining a classification of mental handicap. IQ stands for "intelligence quotient." IQ tests are used to measure a person's intelligence. Any IQ score under 70 is considered mentally handicapped. There are four categories of mental handicaps: mild, moderate, severe and profound. Mild mental handicap is an IQ that falls between 69 and 55; moderate is 55-40; severe is between 39 and 25, profound is an IQ under 25.
Cognitive Development
The cognitive development of mentally handicapped children will be slower than that of other children. They learn processes and facts a little slower than their peers. This, however, does not mean that mentally handicapped children can not learn. They can be taught a variety of skills with the right amount of patience and practice. They will never learn as much as their peers but they can learn a lot despite their handicap.
Mentally Handicapped Adults
Throughout the education of a mentally handicapped person, he is learning skills that will prepare him for a life in the community. Mentally handicapped adults become equipped with skills to do a wide range of vocational jobs through education. They often live in group homes to ensure that their needs are met.