Alcoholism & Psychiatric Disorders
Alcoholism, as with many addictions, can have devastating effects on a person socially, psychologically and physically. Therefore it is important to detect addictions early to minimize the damage.
The hallmark symptom of alcoholism is a strong desire to use the substance without success in cutting back. A great deal of time is committed to obtain and use alcohol, at the cost of relationships.
A popular treatment is group therapy. This allows for social interaction, which may have been lost due to the illness, to reassert itself in the person's life and make it easier to become sober.
There is a strong genetic element to alcoholism; however, having a familial predisposition is not the only factor. Social and environmental stress will exacerbate the disorder.
Long-Term Effects
Long-term abuse of alcohol can impact an individual in multiple manners. Physical damage to the liver, brain and sexual function can occur. Moreover, personal relationships may be lost.