How to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Psychological Tests
Things You'll Need
- Computer
- A tester
- A psychological test
Testing, Research and Execution
Consider what the test purports to measure. Tests such as the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory are designed to help a therapist diagnose a personality disorder. If you or your loved one has a suspected personality problem, a test such as this may help. On the other hand, if you believe you may have a memory disorder, you will not benefit from a personality test.
Evaluate the methodology used in the test. Most tests use a variety of methods such as questionnaires, organizational exercises, puzzles and attention exercises. Not every part of the test will seem directly relevant to what the test purports to diagnose. However, do not take any test that has suspect methodology. No psychological test should make you do anything inappropriate such as take off your clothes or commit crimes. Look at psychology books or online resources to ensure that the test you take is reputable.
Research the tester's credentials. Only take a psychological test administered by a professional. Licensed psychologists, social workers and counselors all may administer tests. Usually testers will need additional training to allow them to administer certain tests. Make sure your tester is a person certified in that specific test.
Take the test if you determine that the tester is a trustworthy professional and the test utilized will be beneficial. In order for psychological tests to measure personality, memory or behavioral problems accurately, you will need to follow the test's instructions honestly. Do not "act" for the test. For instance, if the test is designed to help a therapist determine if you have ADD, do not pretend to be more distracted than you actually are.
Analyze the test results. If the results and any related diagnoses surprise you, ensure that the tester administered your test correctly and that you followed instructions. Did the test itself differ from standard testing procedures for that test? Were you honest during the test? Did the questions seem biased in a way that may have affected the results? The more questions you have, the more likely that the test was unreliable. However, remember that psychological diagnoses are often difficult to take and many people resort to denial. Have a trusted loved one review the testing procedure as well before you determine that the test was inaccurate. If you still believe the test failed in any way, talk to another professional about alternate tests that may help you.