Impulse Control Disorder
Trichotillomania is a psychological condition that involves strong urges to pull out your own hair. It is one of the categories that fall under Impulse Control Disorder. This condition affects more women than men. The average onset period for this impulse disorder is adolescence. Although rare, it is found in young children also. The person cannot stop the urges to pull their hair out by the roots and get no relieve from the urges until they do so. Many continue to do so until they are bald. Cognitive Behavioral therapy is what is recommended for this disorder as well as some medications.
Intermittent Explosive Disorder
Intermittent Explosive Disorder is another category of Impulse Control Disorder. This behavior you see in incidents of road rage and domestic abuse. Angry outburst and temper tantrums best define the behaviors in this category. Throwing and breaking things in a rage are also behaviors demonstrated. People with this disorder will cause bodily injury to others or break their belongings. Later, after the rage has passed, they feel remorse and embarrassment. Therapy and medication are available to help with this.
Pathological Gambling
Pathological gambling is another Impulse Control Disorder category which is demonstrated by being unable to resist impulses to gamble. This can lead to personal and social consequences that can change a person's life. Marriages have broken up and homes have been lost due to this type of gambling. Some people will commit crimes to get money to gamble and they become all-consumed with gambling thoughts. Most of these gamblers will hid their problem from their families and friends. There is therapy available which can be very successful in helping this Impulse Control Disorder.
Kleptomania also falls under the Impulse Control Disorder. The person with this diagnosis cannot fight the urge to steal. Many of the people who have kleptomania have enough money to buy the things they are taking. It is not about the money but the power and thrill they get from doing the deed. This Impulse disorder can land you in jail quickly and start you out with a criminal record that can grow rapidly if this urge is not put under control The person who does this is usually very secret about this behavior and hides it well from family and friends. Once again, help is available through therapy.
Another Impulse Control Disorder is Pyromania. This can be extremely dangerous both for the person doing it and the community. This urge to start fires cannot be controlled. It relieves tension and supplies this person with a gratification that he can otherwise not find. Pyromania is different than arson. There is no outside gain for the person who suffers from pyromania when he starts a fire. There is no money or revenge involved; they do it for the euphoric feeling it gives them. They often fixate on things that have to do with fires such as firemen and fire stations. Help is available and is usually received once they have been caught in this criminal act.